WordPress Plugins – Revolutionising Content Management
What was initially developed to be a blogging platform has grown exponentially as a platform used by designers and developers as well. Yes, WordPress has revolutionised content management. There’s hardly anything that this powerful content management system cannot do. If researches are to be believed, then WordPress holds 60% market share in the content management system market and hosts 21.2% of the total content on the internet. There are many CMS platforms that came, but their popularity doesn’t quite match with that of WordPress, which has been in the market for over a decade now.
We have to admit that it’s not just good marketing that has made WordPress so popular and a widely used platform for content management by organisations of all sizes. To be able to get acceptance from the user, a technology has to be good and that’s precisely what WordPress is all about. The flexibility that WordPress offers, allows you to use it more than just a blogging platform. The sheer simplicity with which users can manage and handle content with WordPress is commendable. The huge awareness that WordPress enjoys is a reason that the platform has earned itself credibility. With huge popularity, WordPress also enjoys the great support of a large community of volunteers who are ready to help at all times. Also, it is SEO-friendly and takes care of 80-90% of the search engine optimisation mechanism.
But that’s not it when we are talking about WordPress. The most important reason behind the huge success of WordPress as a content management system is the wide variety of creative themes, templates and most importantly plug-ins, it has on offer. Whatever your requirements be, there is a plug-in for that in WordPress. With its great plug-in architecture, WordPress allows the developers and its users to extend the ability of their blogs or websites beyond the core installation. The WordPress’s official plug-in repository has around 29000 plug-ins published which makes for a vast pool of features and functionality to the platform users. These plug-ins enable the users to tailor their sites to their specific needs which is a great thing when it comes to managing content. You can enhance the experience of website visitors and enjoy a good Google ranking by adding simple plug-ins in WordPress. There are some great plug-ins which enable you create photo galleries on your blogs. For offering a better design experience to your visitors, you can add sliders to your website. With great blog comment system, you can also turn your blog into a social media community allowing the readers to interact and express freely, just by adding a WordPress plug-in. Not just this, by incorporating a few plug-ins, you can even create an eCommerce website on the WordPress platform.
These are just a few functions that we have talked about. But the list of WordPress plug-ins is enormous. The best part is that you don’t need to be a developer to be able to create or enhance your website. Adding plug-ins in WordPress is easy. It’s like you have every resource you need with you and only thing you need to do is assemble them to create an advanced website. And we love WordPress for that!

Written by Tanya Kumari
Tanya leads the Digital Marketing Team at Classic Informatics, a leading web development company . She is an avid reader, music lover and a technology enthusiast who likes to be up to date with all the latest advancements happening in the techno world. When she is not working on her latest article on agile team dynamics, you can find her by the coffee machine, briefing co-workers on the perks of living a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.