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The World Of mHealth!

Written by Tanya Kumari | Dec 16, 2015 5:33:00 AM

It has been quite some time since the communication and information technology has been introduced to the healthcare industry. As a result, mHealth was born and it has shaped the way healthcare industry has evolved today. Yes, mobile phones and wireless technology has influenced the health care world in a positive way. But the technology is still very new and least talked about in the technology arena. So, we decided to talk about it here in our blog.

Today, mHealth is used in the healthcare industry for many crucial things such as delivering health care facilities / services, surveillance of diseases and even for the prevention of any kind of illness. The possibilities are endless. There are many people have been using mHealth to track the outbreak of any kind of epidemic and then there are some who use mHealth technology to manage chronic diseases. Yes, there is an app for everything! In fact, if a report by IMS Health is to be believed, there are over 23,000 healthcare-related apps covering numerous:

  • Clinical areas such as primary care and even surgery
  • Care sites
  • Users – patients, caregivers, clinicians
  • Parts of the patient journey that is from wellness to complex chronic disease

But the view of mHealth is flawed in two most basic things:

1. mHealth ignores the fact that they are not the only options of primary user touch points in a mobile-connected world. There’s a lot more available to health care seekers!
2. mHealth encourages the feeling that the way to solve any problem is to by simply building an app. Sometimes a problem may be much broader and can’t be solved by an app.

But you can definitely use mHealth for the purpose of:

1. Spreading education and awareness through SMSs by sharing information about certain new diseases, availability of health care services, treatment methods for a certain disease and more
2. Collecting data related to patients such as their personal details and how smoothly their health care efforts are going
3. Remote monitoring those patients who are at their homes
4. Imparting training to the healthcare workers
5. Communication amongst healthcare workers

If you are somebody from the healthcare industry and haven’t yet introduced mHealth to your health care center, then it’s high time you do it. It will simplify the way your premise functions and improve the quality of health care services you deliver to your patients.