As a business owner who is always aiming to excel, you are constantly working towards making your presence appealing to your customers. A considerable amount of time, effort and money goes into marketing your business, its products and services. Just like your marketing material, your web applications or website must also be designed to appeal to your potential customers. The more professional your web presence is, the more credible your business will appear to your customers.
When considering creating a new web application or a website, businesses are faced with a dilemma. Whether to go for simple web development or get a bespoke web application or website developed that meets to your business needs perfectly. But before deciding which approach one should go for, remember that it all depends on the requirements of your business and what you want to accomplish with your website. A good web development agency can help you take the decision.
Web Development
There are many platforms available for developing websites. There are numerous generic, pre-built website templates and themes available easily for purchase. WordPress themes are the most popular in the market right now with over 60 million people using it. Even most of the web development agencies recommend it. The reason behind such a success of the WordPress platform is that you can use only what is required for your business. It comes with a set of features that suit simple as well as complex requirements of businesses. There are so many plug-ins available that you can even build an eCommerce website on WordPress.
Building your website on a web development platform is very cost effective. If budget is something that is holding you back from getting a website developed for your business, then website themes / templates are your best bet.
Also, simple web development ensures a shorter development time for your web project.
But with so many people using pre-built templates, your website will look like a lot of other websites. Also, websites developed on pre-built templates are inflexible to your requirements. Additionally, the major problems with plug-in is that you’ll have to buy one to add one functionality to your website, another to add something else and so on. Templates also avoid the SEO aspects and sometimes face compatibility issues with different browsers.
Bespoke Web Development
Bespoke web development ensures unique and flexible web development, something that you won’t get with pre-built templates. Bespoke web development gives you the freedom to add features and functions that you wish to have in your website but won’t find a plug-in for if you choose WordPress or any other development platform. This means that your website will look and function different from everyone else’s website. Also, the website will be more adaptive to your business needs.
Bespoke applications make using web easy and offers a great user experience. Bespoke applications streamlines complicated processes and offers your user an easy and better way of dealing with your business online.
Today, bespoke web development is the first choice of web development agencies, including us. Why? The reason behind this is that bespoke development comes with numerous benefits. For example, your users can access your application from any device which has an internet connection, better communication with external suppliers etc.
From the SEO perspective, bespoke websites perform very well as compared to websites built on web development platforms. If you hire the right web development agency, their talented developers will construct a website with background coding that will help your website succeed in the search engines.
Bespoke web development may take a lot of time and cost more money for developing a web application but it sure is worth it.

Written by Tanya Kumari
Tanya leads the Digital Marketing Team at Classic Informatics, a leading web development company . She is an avid reader, music lover and a technology enthusiast who likes to be up to date with all the latest advancements happening in the techno world. When she is not working on her latest article on agile team dynamics, you can find her by the coffee machine, briefing co-workers on the perks of living a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.