In the recent times, Marketing has grown to be a much more complex and globally encompassing activity for marketers. All thanks to the new range of marketing options and channels that are available now. One such channel that has emerged as a game-changer is Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing has enabled even smaller businesses to find, reach and connect with their customers across the globe.
But like everything new, there are some Digital Marketing myths that stop many businesses to take the leap and as a result, they continue to suffer the consequences of not being there on the social network. As a global Digital Marketing Agency, we have come across clients who are either apprehensive about Digital Marketing or hold many wrong notions about the what, when, how of the Digital World. Through this blog post, we attempt to debunk some of the myths and bring to you a clearer picture.
Myth #1: Digital Marketing is all technical.
No, it’s not! Like traditional marketing, Digital Marketing also involves careful planning and execution. A successful Digital Marketing Campaign includes a number of well-thought out strategies that together make the campaign work.
Myth #2: Creating just a website will do.
A big no! It’s like you have built your online presence and you are expecting that people will show up on their own. They won’t! The World Wide Web is vast and there are probably many players like you in the market already. You have to reach your customers by effectively planning and executing the Digital Marketing strategies, as discussed in the above point.
Myth #3: Any Content will do for my Digital Marketing Campaign.
You are highly mistaken here. Google doesn’t make it that easy. Google guidelines are pretty complex and they keep changing. So, the amount of content you upload and the number of people you share it with doesn’t matter. You need a Content Marketing strategy that focuses on delivering content that is relevant and something that your readers want to read about. Your content must deliver value to the readers.
Myth #4: My competitors are not using Digital Marketing. So, I don’t need it.
Your competitors are not there in the virtual space. That’s actually great news! It is not like you have to do whatever your competitors do. If you are the first one go digital in your industry, you will always enjoy the advantage of reaching your target audience in the virtual world first. And it is not like that none of the players will ever take the digital road. Digital Marketing is the new way of marketing and some day (very soon) someone will use it in your industry too. So, why not that someone be you?
Myth #5: SEO is dead.
We wonder who started this digital marketing myth in the first place. No, SEO is not dead. It is alive and kicking. In fact, SEO is one of the integral parts of a successful Digital Marketing Campaign. Search Engines continues to dominate the other sources that generate web traffic. And SEO is what enables the Search Engines to drive traffic to your online presence and it will forever remain so.
Consider these myths busted! We say, hit the digital road now!

Written by Tanya Kumari
Tanya leads the Digital Marketing Team at Classic Informatics, a leading web development company . She is an avid reader, music lover and a technology enthusiast who likes to be up to date with all the latest advancements happening in the techno world. When she is not working on her latest article on agile team dynamics, you can find her by the coffee machine, briefing co-workers on the perks of living a healthy lifestyle and how to achieve it.